About Clarksville Skilled Nursing & Rehab Center

Clarksville Skilled Nursing and Rehab/ Westside Assisted Living Suites Turkey Run/Walk 5K

by Clarksville Skilled Nursing | Published September 14, 2016

Image result for TURKEY TROT CLIPART



THANKSGIVING MORNING 8:30 AM                   

  • $20 Pre-Registration thru 11/10/16
  • $25 Registration beginning 11/11/16 (Shirt not guaranteed)
  • Sponsored by We Care: The Do Gooders Club. Proceeds will benefit the local Food Bank.
  • Race starts & ends at Westside Assisted Living Suites
  • T-Shirts to all pre-registered racers!
  • Door prizes and refreshments following the run!
  • Walkers are welcome!
  • Packet pick-up: 2-4 PM on 11/23/16 or 7:30-8:15 AM on 11/24/16 at Westside Assisted Living

Return form & Entry fee to:

Westside Assisted Living Suites            Name:_________________

110 N. Ely                                                   Address:_______________

Clarksville, IA 50619                                T-Shirt Size:  S M  L  XL  XXL


I hereby certify the following: I am physically fit and have received medical clearance to participate in the Turkey Run/Walk 5K.  If I do participate, I, on behalf of myself, my heirs, and assigns, and my estate, hereby waive and forever discharge the sponsors, organizers, affiliates, as well as their agents and employees, from any and all claims that may occur as a result of my participation.

SIGNATURE ______________________________ (Parent/guardian, if under 18)



turkey run 2016 entry form



Also posted in Westside A.L
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