About Clarksville Skilled Nursing & Rehab Center
Bean Bag Tournament
The We Care the Do-Gooder’s Group along with the Clarksville Skilled Nursing and Rehab Center held a Bean Bag Tournament during Clarksville’s Pioneer Days there were 22 teams , and the proceeds raised this year were donated to the Clarksville Ambulance Service and the Clarksville Fire Department The We-Care the Do Gooder’s club members include Clarksville Skilled Nursing and Rehab Center residents and Westside Assisted Living tenants along with staff involvement. The club involves the residents and tenants in community service projects and gives them the opportunity to give back to Clarksville and the surrounding areas. Here are the We Care The Do-Gooders along with Ashley Lorenz, DON from the Clarksville Ambulance and Jon Myers , Maintenance and Clarksville Fire Chief.